The world around us is rapidly changing and that means your insurance coverage should do the same. Life and circumstances change and you want to ensure your insurance keeps you covered through those changes. Reviewing your coverage limits periodically ensures that you have the appropriate protection in place. Keep Up with New Risks While the […]
National Chip Your Pet Month
It’s finally that time of the year again, summer is almost here and we should all be celebrating! But did you know that summer is kicked off with National Chip Your Pet Month? May is officially recognized as this holiday by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and was made to educate responsible pet parents on the […]
Widener Insurance Agency is a 2021 Winner!
Have you heard the news?! Widener Insurance Agency, Inc. is a winner of the 18th Annual Johnson City Press Readers’ Choice Awards in all four categories: Auto, Home, Business, and Life! Since 1934, the Johnson City Press has served readers in Northeast Tennessee with daily news, sports and features, and advertisers with multiple avenues to […]